domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

Con las manos sucias y el delantal puesto.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que publiqué la ultima vez... me ha hecho falta compartir con ustedes, pero el deber llama y me encuentro estudiando de nuevo en la U... Tomé un descancito de las artes hoy domingo, y cuando vi mi correo, me encontré con un hermoso poema de una de mis paginas favoritas, Stay At Home Daughters. Me sentí inspirada y supe que no lo podia dejar pasar por alto... era algo que debia publicar en mi blog.
Espero pasar por aqui pronto, hoy he estado esculpiendo en arcilla, pintando en oleo, ahora debo descansar.

Dios les bendiga. :-)

As summer starts to fade away,
Autumn bursts forth in brilliant dress
To bring to close another season
And usher in the winter's rest.

She adds her own sweet offering
To summer's easy-going days
By painting everything she sees
In fiery colors set ablaze.

But her winds and brisk, cool air
Bring a message of their own.
She will cause us to awake
Out of the summer's ease we've known.

For winter follows close behind.
She, too, will bring her very best.
All the land she will embrace
And bring to all much-needed rest.

Seasons come and seasons go,
But autumn has a secret story.
As she smiles with brilliant color,
She shows to us the Father's glory!

"The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord." - Psalm 33:5

Poem © 2005 Arlene Schwartzkopf

1 comentario:

  1. Amo esta poesia, e conheço a autora.
    Ela é uma pessoa incrível, e amo ela muito!
    Você colocou o nome dela aqui, graças a Deus.

    Vc possa colocar estes dois endereços com o post dela?

    Gostei de que você está fazendo aqui. Deus abençoa.
    Voni Pottle


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